doing pyrolysis plant

How to recycle plastic bottles for money?

Industry News / Date:April 2, 2019

Quite a few of our customers send enquiry to us and like to know if we can also give solution to the recycling of waste plastic bottles except waste tires.

In fact, waste plastic bottles are very good raw materials to get fuel oil. Compared with waste tires, plastic bottles has higher oil yield. Then let’s see how to recycle plastic bottles for money.

how to recycle plastic water bottlesWaste plastic bottle

First of all, you need to learn about the raw materials of plastic bottles, as we know not all kinds of plastics are suitable for getting fuel oil, the precondition of recycling plastic bottles for money is that you need know clearly what is the material of the plastic bottles you are going to recycle.

Same as waste tire recycling for fuel oil, we can also extract fuel oil from plastic bottles. You know, plastic in its raw state is made up of a range of organic polymers, including polyethylene and ethylene. After thermo decomposition, the plastic polymers can be broken into smaller carbon chain which is fuel oil. But recycling plastic bottles for money is feasible for all bottles made of plastic?

recycling water bottles for moneyDifferent types of plastic waste

There are various kinds of plastic bottles, for example, plastic bottles for liquid such as drinking water, milk, soda, motor oil and shampoo, and plastic bottles for dry products such as medications and nutritional supplements. The raw material of plastic bottles can be PET, PE,HDPE, LDPE, PS, PVC, etc., among which PET plastic bottles are not suitable to get fuel oil by pyrolysis; PVC plastic bottles is ok, but since PVC is acidic, need to make the anticorrosive or stainless steel coating for the pyrolysis reactor; PE/HDPE/LDPE/PS plastic bottles are good raw material to recycle for money, since the oil yield of pure, clean and dry PE plastic bottles can reach 95%.

recycling plastic bottles for moneyPlastic bottles recycled to fuel oil by waste pyrolysis plant

DOING Company is specialized in waste plastic pyrolysis plant converting waste plastic bottles to fuel oil. If you want recycling plastic bottles for money, please contact with us , we will give you the best solution on how to recycle plastic bottles.



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