What is approximate total cost of tyre pyrolysis plant?
Industry News / Date:May 13, 2020
Many investors who want to enter the tyre pyrolysis industry want to know the approximate total cost of tyre pyrolysis plant. But it's not as simple as a specific number, depending on your specific needs, which is the specific configuration of the tyre pyrolysis plant. For example, tyre pyrolysis plant type, tyre pyrolysis plant processing capacity, tyre pyrolysis reactor design, tyre pyrolysis plant configuration, etc. Therefore, if you want to understand the approximate total cost of tyre pyrolysis plant, you need to confirm these information first.
Tyre pyrolysis plant project
Tyre pyrolysis plant type
At present, tyre pyrolysis plant type on the market include batch type, continuous type and small. In general, the continuous tyre pyrolysis plant due to the PLC control can be 24 hours continuous feeding and slag discharge, to achieve continuous production, the utilization rate of the equipment is higher, so the price of continuous tyre pyrolysis plant will be on the high side of batch tyre pyrolysis plant. Small tyre pyrolysis plant costs less, and can test the rate of oil output of raw materials. On the other hand, it do not need to install, and easy to transport. This type small tyre pyrolysis plant is also populor with many customers.
Tyre pyrolysis plant three types
Tyre pyrolysis plant processing capacity
Our batch tyre pyrolysis plant has different processing capacity of 1 ton, 5 ton, 10 ton, 12 ton, 15 ton, etc., to meet the needs of different customers. Continuous tyre pyrolysis plant has 20 tons, 30 tons, 50 tons. There are different prices for different processing capacity of tyre pyrolysis plant. Customers need to choose the processing capacity of tyre pyrolysis plant according to their own budget and raw material conditions.
Tyre pyrolysis reactor design
The reactor is the main component of tyre pyrolysis plant. The raw material is going to be pyrolyzed here. At present, there are two kinds of pyrolysis reactor design on the market: vertical and horizontal. Horizontal pyrolysis reactor can rotate 360 degrees, make the raw material evenly heated, and the service life is long, so the price will be on the high side.
Horizontal pyrolysis reactor can rotate 360 degrees
Tyre pyrolysis plant configuration
In order to meet the higher safety and environmental protection requirements of customers, tyre pyrolysis plant is designed with carbon black slag discharge device - air transport system and flue gas purification system: water film precipitator and pulse precipitator as well as desulfurization purification tower. These high configuration can make the tyre pyrolysis plant with higher oil yield, good environmental protection and safety.
High configuration parts of tyre pyrolysis plant
To sum up, these are the main factors affecting the approximate total cost of tyre pyrolysis plant. Only by confirming the information of these aspects can we get the approximate total cost of the tyre pyroysis plant. Please send us your detailed requirements to get the free quotation.