How to dispose waste pcb by pcb board recycling machine

Industry News / Date:January 24, 2018

pcb recycling machine
PCB board recycling machine
Scrap PCB  board recycling machine is main consist of pre-breaker-crusher-classifier-separator(high voltage separator,for the airflow separator is out of date in our factory )the mixture of metal and non-metal materials gained from crushing -pulverizing -classifing raw mateirals of printed circuit coboards is fed into the material  hopper of air separator,then into the separating zone for separator,since the separator is nnected with a  dust removal system,a horizontal air current is formed which is moves the materials in horizontal direction .meanwhile ,with the action of gravity .the materials move downward.due to the different specific gravity of material non-metal materials such as fine dust and grains which bear smaller gravity are taken away by the dust removal system .when the mixture passes the separating plate ,leaving the metal materils with larger gravity into finished product recovery zone ,thus the separation of metal from non-meal materials is achieved.

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