What is the benefits of copper wire recycling machine?

Industry News / Date:January 24, 2018

Copper wire recycling machine
 copper wire recycling machine
A. Less Landfill costs
Copper wire recycling machine objects which are not recycled may otherwise be discarded in holes in the ground which is called landfill. These holes are hastily being filled up and, as they become rarer, landfill becomes a very costly option for waste disposal.

B. Environmental Protection
During mining and refining of copper, dust and waste gases such as sulphur dioxide are formed which may have an injurious effect on the environment. But by recycling scrape coppper wire with mechanical process, there is nearly no harmful gas emitted.

C. Energy Saving
In order to extract copper from copper ore the energy required is roughly 100GJ/tonne.copper wire recycling machine uses much fewer energy, about 10GJ/tonne, which is only 10% of the energy required for extraction. This energy saving leads to the upkeep of valuable reserves of oil, gas or coal and decreases the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.

For your copper recycling needs, Doing machinery Copper wire  Recycling Machine can take care of it for you! We ensure that your scrap copper can be of great value.


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