Aluminum Can Recycling Creates Economic Value

Industry News / Date:January 24, 2018

aluminum cans recycling
waste aluminum cans
Recycling aluminum saves more than 90 percent of the energy costs required in primary production. Aluminum is 100 percent recyclable, making the metal one of the most recyclable of all materials. Recycled aluminum retains its properties indefinitely and is the only material in the consumer disposal stream that more than pays for the cost of its own collection.

The recycling industry is mature and growing. The industry recycling infrastructure is mature, profitable and well suited to aluminum-intensive products. More than 70 percent of the aluminum produced since the inception of the industry has been recycled and is in use today.

Recycled aluminum cans are worth more than $800 million dollars. Each year, the aluminum industry pays out more than $800 million dollars for empty aluminum cans. Every minute, an average of 113,000 aluminum cans is recycled. Aluminum can recycling programs have enabled charitable organizations and groups to earn funds to enhance programs and support projects for decades.


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