Auxiliary Equipment

Tyre doubling tripling machine

Auxiliary Equipment / Date:03-06-2018

tyre tripling machine
Tyre doubling tripling machine
Doing tyre doubling tripling machine is composed of one working platform, one iron leg and two iron rollers as well as an air cylinder. The iron rollers are fixed on the platform, and the iron leg can move forward and backward with the power produced by the air cylinder.

Doing tyre doubling tripling machine is easy to pack 2 used tyres in one without any problems. Now I am writing to introduce how to use our tyre doubling tripling  machine .

tyre doubling machine

Tyre doubling tripling machine
1st step:  put a tyre on the platform and keep the tyre ring stuck between the iron rollers and the iron leg

2nd step: power the air cylinder to push the iron leg to move forward, then the tyre will be compressed

3rd step: put the other tyre around the compressed tyre, power the air cylinder to make the iron leg draw back, then the first tire will be nested into the second outside tire.

tyre tripling machine
Tyre doubling tripling machine

This tyre doubling tripling machine is ideal for any workshop or used tyre dealer, used to double or undouble (unpack tyres). It is powered by compressed air only so there is no risk of electrocution. We recommend this machine for the tyre dealers wishing to save space for storing or transport their scrap or used tyres. Due to its small dimensions and weight it is ideal for moving from one place to the other.
Tyre doubling tripling machine technical data

  Technical Parameters
No. Items Contents
1 Machine Tyre doubling tripling machine
2 Function Make several tires nested together with reversible unpacking function
3 Advantage Save place for used tyre storing and transport
4 Length 1.35m
5 Width 0.55m
6 Height 0.82m
7 Weight 250kg
8 Power Compressed air without electricity

tyre doubling machine
Tyre doubling tripling machine
Compared to other tyre processing machine, like tire cutting machine, this tyre doubling tripling machine has several main advantages as below:
1. For some tyre dealers, they want to keep complete tyres for further use. So they don't want to cut tires for better storing and transport, then they can use the tyre doubling & unpacking machine to make several tyres nested together firstly. After transport, they can unpack the tyres to normal for further use.

 2. For some tyre pyrolysis factories, they want to fill as many tyres as possible inside the reactor for pyrolysis to oil. But as we all know that tyres contain steel wire which is difficult to press. This time you will need to use a tyre cutter to cut tyres into small pieces. But after cutting, the steel wire inside tyres will become small pieces mix with carbon black after pyrolysis process, which is difficult to separate. For tyre doubling machine, you can use it to make several complete tyres together, then put them into the reactor. It can not only save the plave, the steel wire inside tyres also can keep complete. After pyrolysis, the big steel wire can tangling together, which is easy to pull out by a hook.

3. This tyre doubling tripling machine doesn't need electricity to work. It powered by compressed air. which can save so much energy.

4.Tyre doubling tripling machine is easier to operate and more efficiently. It can be operated by only one worker, which can make 3 tires nested together within 1 minutes.

So in conclusion, the tyre doubling tripling machine can not only save the storage and transport cost, but also save the energy, the labour and the time.


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