What can we get from 10T of waste tyres ?

Waste Tire/Plastic Pyrolysis Plant / Date:January 17, 2017

pyrolysis plant
Waste tyre pyrolysis plant

Fue oil is the main products of waste tyre pyrolysis plant, widely used in industrial area, for example used for heating boiler and other kinds of equipment.
10 ton if scrap tires through DOING waste tyre pyrolysis plant can produce about 4.5 ton fuel oil, please see the form below to get detail information.

Product rate get from waste tyres

Raw material

tyres oil rate

Carbon black rate

Steel rate

Waste gas rate

Big tyres





Small tyres





Product get from 10 tons of waste tyres

Capacity Raw material tyres oil(T) Carbon black(T) Steel(T) Waste gas(T)
10T Big tires 4.5T-5T 3T 1.5T 0.5T
10T Small tires 3.5T-4T 3T 1.5T 0.5T

From the above form we can see, big tyres oil rate is 45%-50%, small tyres oil rate is 35%-40%, so from 10 tons of waste tyres, can get about 4.5 ton oil.
Besides crude oil, there are also carbon, steel and little waste gas, the percentage are 30%, 15% and 5%, that is to say, from 10 ton waste tyre pyrolysis plant, can get 3 ton carbon black, 1.5 ton steel and 0.5 ton waste gas.
Carbon black after a further process can make a kind of fuel, widely used in the areas like cement factory, steel factory, glass factory and so on for heating, also can be used for heating pyrolysis plant.
Steel, do not need to say too much, right? You can sell directly, and in some country, steel can sell a quite good price.
Waste gas can recycle to furnace through gas pipe for heating reactor, this can save energy.


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