The difference batch pyrolysis plant and continuous pyrolysis plant

Waste Tire/Plastic Pyrolysis Plant / Date:December 15, 2020

continuous automatic pyrolysis plant
Continuous pyrolysis plant
Continuous automatic pyrolysis plant is a significant improvement  based on the existing intermittent pyrolysis plant at home and abroad,  continous automatic plastic pyrolysis plastic  fully  realize the automatic operation ,continous automatic plastic pyrolysis plant Reactor than the intermittent pyrolysis plant can prolong life 5-6 year.

Continuous waste  Pyrolysis plant can pyrolysis waste tire, waste plastic,used oil and waste rubber, the outcome is crude oil and carbon black without pollution. If the raw material is waste tire, it can also output steel wires. All the products are used widely, in hotels,restaurants,bathing centers,power plants,engines,chemical sector you can sell them directly.

What is difference batch pyrolysis plant and continuous pyrolysis plant?
pyrolysis plant
Batch pyrolysis plant and continuous pyrolysis plant

There are different types of pyrolysis plant available but can be divided in to three types.

   1. Continuous: You feed material on one side and remove carbon continuously from the other side

   2.Semi continuous: Where you fill the reactor with the raw material and take a process and then without cooling it down take out the carbon and input the second batch of raw material.

  3.  Batch type: Here you fill the raw material with a batch of raw material and take the process. Next process will happen after cooling down and removal of carbon.


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