Tire doubling machine to Japan
In Asia / Date:November 28, 2020
October 18, 2016, We delivered one set of tire doubling machine to our Japanese client.
Our tire doubling machine can pack three tires in one. In this way, it can help our client to save a lot of space on tire storage and package.
Our tire doubling machine is powered by air conditioner and it is very easy to carry.
Tire doubling machine
And tire doubling machine can also unpack tires. When you want to separate the tires, you can also use it.
Here are some tire doubling machine picture for your referrence
Tire doubling machine
Tire doubling machine will delivery to Japan
Our tire doubling machine can pack three tires in one. In this way, it can help our client to save a lot of space on tire storage and package.
Our tire doubling machine is powered by air conditioner and it is very easy to carry.
Tire doubling machine
Here are some tire doubling machine picture for your referrence
Tire doubling machine
Tire doubling machine will delivery to Japan